
Friday 29 March 2013

The Wave, Coyote Buttes, AZ and UT

The Wave, Coyote Buttes

Wind and rain, had magic, erosion line, in one fell swoop and swirl throughout the sandstone formation. As a result, it is similar to a water wave, a photography, if not the most easy to reach the point in the western United States.

Require a license, the rate hike waves of the unmarked, only 20 are given daily. This is almost easy, so that the next wave of opponents of the journey of southwestern Australia, Wave Rock.

Giant’s Causeway, United Kingdom

Giant’s Causeway

One of Northern Ireland's most popular tourist attractions, the Giant's Causeway Bay won its name, from 40,000 basalt columns, interlock to form suitable monster is what sidewalk.

60 million years ago, stone, mostly hexagonal to form underground lava flow cooled into a 39 feet high with a diameter of 18 inches formation. This is a relatively recently, about 15,000 years ago, the soil erosion around the stones at the beach and into the ground visible.

The Cave of the Crystals, Naica, Mexico

The Cave of the Crystals

It looks like Superman's fortress to life alone. A 1000 feet underground, in the work of lead, silver in Chihuahua, Mexico, opaque crystal gypsum some four feet wide and 50 feet long bud at all angles, from the volcano heating water.

Been discovered in 2000, in a cave, the temperature can reach 150 degrees, nearly 100% humidity conditions, only Superman can survive long-term. No more than 10 minutes, do not have the appropriate gear may lead to heat stroke in a cave.

Blood Falls, Antarctica

Blood Falls

A shocking terrible shadow looks like blood, pale face, Taylor Glacier Falls jet. When scientists first discovered in 1911, these waterfalls in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, they believe that the algae in the dark red color of glacier water gushing from cracks.

Original colors from the high iron content in the the waterfall source, ice buried 1300 feet below the pool. Sinister twist, when the landscape is arid, seals and penguins stroll inland and lost, they never break down, leaving their bodies scattered.

The Stone Forest (Shilin), China

The Stone Forest

Many trees in China's remote Yunnan Province forest hard rock, literally. Area, across nearly 200 square miles, underwater 270 million years ago, and the seabed is covered with limestone sediments. Gradually, dry roses and water on the seabed.

As the rain and wind erosion weak rock, limestone steeple began to take shape. Now, they rise to the sky, surrounded by green trees.

Spotted Lake, British Columbia

Spotted Lake

It looks almost as if you can play Twister spots Lake near Osoyoos, less than a mile from the Washington border. Every summer, the evaporation of the water in the lakes rich in mineral resources, leaving large concentrations of salt, titanium, calcium, sulfate, and other minerals to form a pattern of dots of different shades of green, yellow and brown circles size.

Lake Okanagan Valley of a country is a sacred site and the land it sits on private property owned by the Indian Affairs. You will not really be able to get close to the lake, but you can have a good look at the nearby roads.

The Eye of the Sahara (Richat Structure), Mauritania

The Eye of the Sahara 

This huge depression, the circular shape and stretches 25 miles wide, like a bull's-eye mark in the middle of the desert regions of Mauritania planar features. Can be seen from space, it has been a landmark of the astronauts, because the first task.

The eye is no target practice, the results of foreigners, but the formation of wind erosion at different levels of sediment, quartzite and other rocks at different depths.

Cano Cristales River, Colombia

Cano Cristales River

Folks understand why Cano Cristales inspired five colors, liquid rainbow, even in the world's most beautiful rivers nickname like to central Colombia Serranéa the de la Macarena National Park trip.

It is important to get the time correct: when the water reaches the perfect level (usually between July-December), it becomes a kaleidoscope of pink, green, blue, and yellow as a species of plants called Macarenia clavigera, who lives in River floors need to get the sun to bloom to an explosion of colors.

Moeraki Boulders, New Zealand

Moeraki Boulders

Spherical stones that line the New Zealand Moeraki Beach reached 7 feet in diameter and has been compared to huge, all marble giant dinosaur eggs to half submerged prehistoric turtle, ready to stand up and get rid ofsand at any time.

They actually tuberculosis masses of compacted sediment formation below ground more than 50 million years ago. Surrounded by sand erosion, they seem to rise to the surface, as if pushed up from the earth's center. Stone bowling ball on the beach in Mendocino, California, and elsewhere in the United States, Canada and Russia.

White Desert (Sahara el Beyda), Egypt

White Desert (Sahara el Beyda)

The strange bulbous shape and size of the white rock rose Farafra town about 28 miles north of the western desert, Egypt clusters mushrooms in here, there is a group of half-melted snowman.

Their appearance is due to a number of avant-garde stone sculptor, but because of the wind. When ancient sea that once covered the land dried up, and the rest of the deposition layer began to be broken. The collapse of the relatively soft point, with the passage of time, a powerful sandstorm hard rock to the current form.

Sailing Stones, Racetrack Playa, Death Valley, CA

Sailing Stones, Racetrack Playa, Death Valley

Never been seen "sailing stones" Death Valley Raceway Praia move, but in the long lagged behind their track in the dusty ground, marking the their Travel evidence is visible.

Scientists do not know exactly how rocks weighing hundreds of pounds, make their way across a dry lake bed. The common argument is that when wet or icy, rocky along the flat beach by strong winds push. They leave, they may have their starting point for traveling to 700 feet deep grooves.

Travertine Pools at Pamukkale, Turkey

Travertine Pools at Pamukkale

People come here for thousands of years to take a bath to seek well-known effect of treatment. To the pool the water flowing from 17 underground Springs calcium carbonate to form a soft deposits when it hits the surface with a very high concentration.

These sticky white precipitate hardening over time until spring like a fountain, chalk, or represented poetry translation Pamukkale, "cotton castle" visual distance of over 10 miles away.

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Salar de Uyuni

When a prehistoric lake dried up about 30,000 years ago, leaving a vast expanse of white hexagonal tiles, endless. Welcome to the world's largest salt marsh, stretching over 4,000 square miles of the 25 times the size of the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah.

The website provides local miners more than 25,000 tons of salt each year, tens of thousands of flamingos support a thriving community, and attract many tourists can check into the Hotel Palacio de Sal, 16-room hotel, entirely of salt blocks.

Asbyrgi Canyon, Iceland

Asbyrgi Canyon

According to legend, when the in northern Iceland Asbyrgi Canyon to create a the Nordic god horse's hoof touched the earth, through the 300-foot-high cliff slice and leveling the area only two miles long, more than half a mile wide.

More likely scientific explanation, carved the canyon glacier flood in two periods between 30 million years ago. Green carpet spread by standing on top of the cliff, before the horseshoe-shaped canyon, it's fun, otherwise imagine.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Lake Retba, Senegal

Lake Retba

It is Like someone poured a huge bottle of bismuth subsalicylate into the lake Retba - This is how deep pink these water are. Actually the color of the pigment produced by a special kind of algae called Dunaliella salina.

The salt content is very high, reaching 40% at some point, grow algae (and swimmer effortlessly floating on the surface of the 10-foot-deep lake). Piles of blinding white salt line of coast, locals every day to work a few hours of harvesting salt from bright pink water.

Marble Caves, Chile

Marble Caves

Six thousand years of wave erosion to create the pattern of ups and downs, so the marble effect of these caves, improve the Carrera lake blue and green water, near the border of Chile and Argentina reflection.

The region is a threat to plans to build a dam near now, visitors can kayak water is calm days, the entire cave.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Old House Woods, Virginia

Old House Woods

An area of ​​50 acres of forest near the Chesapeake Bay, is the specter of a 18th century British soldiers and pirates, once near the historic port city of Matthews (pictured), who buried the treasure.The box may have to leave the refuge in the soft dirt.
In the center of the woods, away from the New Haven Beach Road, an isolated and dilapidated colonial homes razed to the ground. All traces here, perhaps the most interesting fisherman walking silently and creeks of the White River in the 19th century, the ship continued on the beach and disappeared in the woods.

Frith Wood, England

Frith Wood

In the early 19th century, Greenlaw floor, the Friis wood within walking distance, converted into the camp of the French prisoners during the Napoleonic Wars.
It is said that a woman in love with a prisoner, and then beaten to death by her father and brother. Shortly thereafter, she was dead, and her hand. Her soul to return to the scene of the murder of her lover, she said, choking back tears, others say she frantically running through the woods.

Robinson Woods, Illinois

Robinson Woods

Alexander Robinson was born Kiki needle the Pier and chief Pottawatomies, Ottawa and Chippewa countries, together with his family to be buried in the woods.
Baozhu, is considered the soul of the Robinson family, occur at night, daytime, deer group for no apparent reason, and sometimes a professional audience. Near the grave, people can smell the lilacs in the winter.

Epping Forest, England

Epping Forest

From Essex, east of London, Epping Forest, a 6,000 acre setting, terror, whether it is true, then, debatably so.
Its hiding place, outlaw Dick Turpin and Police killer Harry Roberts who has also been the hiding place of the murder victims, the children targeted by Ronald McNair into Matheson.
An episode, life in the UK television program, trying to find the ghost Turpin, but the team eventually lost myself, perhaps mischief elusive spirit?

Randolph Forest, Maine

Randolph Forest

Randolph forest on both sides of the house, an outsize reputation, known as the smallest town in the state, locals are troubled.
Abandoned cars and the riprap tracks, usher in a Veterans Hospital (now the development of grass) background flashing light sphere, appearance, and strange ambient noise.
During the day, the trees seem to be harmless, but we take risks, when night fell.

Freetown-Fall River State Forest, Massachusetts

Freetown-Fall River State Forest

Part of the "Bridgewater Triangle", the 200 square miles of land in southeastern Massachusetts blockbuster supernatural phenomenon torture, conspiracy layers.
Native Americans who occupied it in the 17th century it sold reluctantly left several cemetery, it is considered to be evil murder scene in the 1970s and 1980s, it is still odd witnessed.

Isla de las Munecas, Mexico

Isla de las Munecas

This island is in Mexico City.The trees strung with hundreds of dolls, creepy horror movie style.
The island's only resident, Don Julian Santana, more than 50 years before a girl in one of the canals of the body was found. He found a doll floating in the same water, in tribute to hang it on the tree a doll, he will string together thousands until 2001, when he drowned in the same canal. Some people think of dolls, many of which are missing limbs, is evil, others believe they are maintenance Island.
The four-hour round trip to see their own the Embarcadero Cuemanco Ferry pier.

Hoia-Baciu Woods, Romania

Hoia-Baciu Woods

Hoia Baciu alleged error in Transylvania Sort fascinated more than one half of the century. The residents of nearby towns claimed a portal in the center of the forest, there is a circular open space, it may never return.

Who does not feel the anxiety and nausea throughout the process, where they survive report. Once the trees stood tall and straight, even twisted into a knot.

Dow Hill, Kurseong, India

Dow Hill

Victorian boys' school, founded in the late 19th century, in West Bengal, is rumored to be haunted, students report ownerless footsteps echoed in the corridor.

But around Mountain Forest Road is a larger hotbed of supernatural activity with lumberjack report, wandering in the woods to see a little boy without a head.

Devil’s Tramping Ground, North Carolina

Devil’s Tramping Ground

Harper near the crossroads of the depths of the forest, Seiler east, about 10 kilometers, a mysterious 40-foot ring devil stomping in circles, every night, planning how to fallen humanity, the storyending. North Carolina Department of Agriculture seems to have taken soil samples have not come up with an explanation of the patch is not growing.

Wychwood Forest, England

Wychwood Forest

A hand reaching out to touch a lonely person's shoulders. Horse-drawn carriage, carrying a couple with two sobbing children. Are Wychwood Forest report, a large Oxfordshire royal hunting grounds. The most striking is the case, the Earl of Leicester's wife Amy Robsart. Her mysterious death of a broken neck, the face of her husband, and he is a ghost hunting Wychwood, and predicted that he will take part in 10 days of her that he was sick. Any line with her, it is said that similar rapid fate will befall.

Black Forest, Germany

Black Forest

Many fairy tale the Brothers Grimm in this charming scenery along the Rhine in the southwest of Germany, it looks like you imagine such a dense forest, the sun seldom penetrate fir and pine. This is an ideal playground mythical creatures, sorcerers, werewolves, witches, and the good dwarfs. More adult story, the evil spirits in the forest haunt, murder, and dark magic, the Necromancer, first published in 1794.

Aokigahara, Japan

Aokigahara Jungle

At the northwest base of Mount Fuji is known as sea tree, dense forests around the world, one of the eeriest. Rumors large underground iron deposits interfere with the compass, the Pacers back and forth on the wrong path. More emotion, since the 1950s, the forest has been The website reported suicides over 500. The locals claimed hear their spirit after a night of screaming.

Friday 22 March 2013

Millau Viaduct, France

Millau Viaduct

Looking to the future of the clouds from the plane is to be expected, but it is a more disturbing car. However, it is often too bridge the line of sight when driving, which is at its highest point higher than the Eiffel Tower. In fact, when it opened in 2004, claimed the title of the world's tallest vehicular bridge.

Location : across the Tarn valley, near Millau in southern France.

Statistics : less than 2 miles (3.2 km) long; 1125 feet from the bottom, the highest peak of mast.

Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, Louisiana

Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

The bridge is only 16 feet above the rising waters of Lake Pontchartrain, but the real fear factor, it never seems to end, it spans nearly 24 mile from Metairie to Deville, LA. (Once you reach about 8 miles, bid farewell to the visibility of the land.)

Where : Metairie and Mandeville town across Lake Pontchartrain.

Statistics : 24 km long, 16 feet above the water

Canopy Walk, Ghana

Canopy Walk

These pedestrian footbridges soaring above the forest floor in Kakun Ghana National Park. Of course, there are handrails and net up on both sides of you about three and a half to four feet high wall, in any case, but you can still walk in a no more than a foot wide plank wood. Oh, yes, you are 100 feet closed forest floor.

Location : Kakun National Park

Statistics : 1,000 feet long, 100 feet high

Cikurutug Bridge, Indonesia

Cikurutug Bridge

Argo Gede train three-hour trip filled with gorgeous green mountains and valley views. But the ride from scenic to scary once you Cikurutug bridge, the train slid off the track in 2002. Although no one was injured, the authorities have to improve security measures to protect the safety of the passengers, because of their accident.

Location : In the Argo Gede train from Gambir Station in Jakarta, Bandung

Statistics : about 200 feet above the bottom.

Captain William Moore Bridge, Alaska

Captain William Moore Bridge

Indeed, the earthquake did not happen, but the bridge is not what you want in a pass through an active earthquake fault. Engineers, aware of the potential disaster, only one end of the bridge firmly anchor change on the ground below, the bridge will not fall apart.

Location : along the Nan Kelang the Dyck River Road near Skagway

Statistics : 110 feet long cantilever bridge completed in 1976

Iya Valley Vine Bridges, Japan

Iya Valley Vine Bridges

Shikoku, the smallest of Japan's four main islands, three rattan bridge. Fixed place in two single vine slats of wood placed between 7 inches and 12 inches apart, are originals. Although the new bridge reinforcement lines and handrails, they are still not for the faint of heart.

Location: Tokushima, in Zuchuan

More information: 148 feet long, 46 feet high.

Deception Pass Bridge, Washington

Deception Pass Bridge

If the drive is not particularly scary, the two sides in this foggy in Puget Sound, try walking in the narrow pedestrian lane edge bridges. Here, you will find especially thrilling views of the rushing water below.

Location : Whidbey Island and Fidalgo Island National Park, through cheating.

Details : together, the two cross 1486 feet, length 180 feet above the water.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

U Pain Bridge, Myanmar

U Pain Bridge

In the absence of handrails, you will want to be cautious over this hurdle, especially in the dry season, there is no softening of the decline in the lake. This is not entirely new the 3/4-mile-long teak bridge was built over 200 years ago. More than 1,000 poles (read: logs) between maintaining approximately four to five feet.

Location : In Mandalay, connect to Taungthaman Lake opposite the Bank of

Details : 3/4 miles long, 15 feet high.

Seven Mile Bridge, Florida

Seven Mile Bridge

In addition to the 7-mile-long bridge itself does not seem so terrible. But its position in the Florida Keys, making many of the region's hurricane, its main goal. In fact, the current bridge is the second iteration. Newer bridge scrapped the concept of the swing span to replace the sturdy 65-foot-high vaulted let boats through. Although it might be sturdy, we still do not want to you can during the storm.

Location: Florida Keys, middle and lower key connection.

Details: 7 miles long and 65 feet high.

Sidu River Bridge, China

When the bridge was inaugurated in November 2009, it was the highest bridge in the world, rising more than 1,500 feet in the air. Span is so high, the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai, it can accommodate.

In Hubei Province, China High above the river canyon location:

Details: 1550 feet from the bridge the road bottomed.

Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan

Hussaini Hanging Bridge

A lot of the gap between the planks, a wild side to the other side of the swing: there are reasons, which is considered one of the most tragic suspension bridge in the world. While rickety cable and wood bridges, in this regard, over the bridge in the fast flowing Hunza River is particularly frightening, because the previous bridge hang next to the tattered remains of a thread.

Location: Husseini village in northern Pakistan, crossing the Hunza River.

Details: According to reports, the flooded bridge in May 2010. However, due to its lucky draw as a popular adventure tourism activity, the bridge is possible reconstruction.

Monkey Bridges, Vietnam

Monkey Bridges

It seems only monkeys can make it across traditional monkey bridge, after all, they are usually from a single bamboo log and handrails. However, the name comes from the monkey-like posture stooped, you must keep crossing the road, try not plunged headlong into the river below.

Location: the southern tip across different points of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam.

More information: these bridges are handmade by local residents and vary from town to town. Newer made ​​of concrete.

William Preston Lane, Jr. Memorial Bridge (Bay Bridge), Maryland

William Preston Lane, Jr. Memorial Bridge (Bay Bridge)

The drivers thinks that this bridge is  the name of the fear of the bridge, because it is a frequent and often violent storm. When inclement weather hits, forget visibility: five miles long bridge in the middle, you could barely see the land.

Location: across the Chesapeake Bay to connect the east and west coasts of Maryland.

Details: nearly 5 km long; 186 feet the highest point.

Puente de Ojuela, Mexico

Puente de Ojuela

The bridge is a ghost town, but it creaking wooden floor, so it's scary. Fortunately, the wire rope to suspend the two towers bring a greater feeling of security. However, steel is a relatively new addition: in the 19th century, German engineers the San Diego Minhguin built the bridge, these towers are made of wood to do.

Location : the ghost town Ojuela, Durango, Mexico, north of an old mining settlement.

Details : 1043 feet long, 2 feet wide, 360 feet above the canyon.

Friday 8 March 2013

Mackinac Bridge, Michigan

Mackinac Bridge

Some drivers are very nervous 5-kilometer-long bridge, and they do not even have to go. It often happens that the Mackinac Bridge Authority will drive your car or motorcycle (Free).
The biggest problem is the wind, and often more than 30 mph bridge.

Location: between Michigan's upper and lower peninsula.

Details: 5 km long, 199 feet above the water.

Capilano Suspension Bridge, Canada

Capilano Suspension Bridge

Originally built in 1889, this simple suspension footbridge covered by evergreen broadleaf forest is very high, very narrow, very solid cedar planks, steel wire rebound, you walk between them. If the bridge does not scare you, wait until the spring of 2011, Cliffhanger attraction will allow visitors in a series of suspended walkways connect to a cliff to climb.

Location: North America, British Columbia, Vancouver Capilano other side of the river.

Height: 450 feet long, 230 feet high.

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Northern Ireland

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge

No one has been out of the bridge. However, many visitors walk through the simple people can not handle returns, must go by ship. It is more frightening. Establish the fishermen go to the island to catch salmon, the original bridge is only one armrest. The rope bridge eventually became popular thrill-seeking tourists, and the National Trust replaced by a sturdy structure, two armrests.

Location: in, near Ba Lintuo, County Antrim, Northern Ireland,.

Height: 65 feet long, nearly 100 feet above the rocks below.

Trift Suspension Bridge, Switzerland

Trift Suspension Bridge, Switzerland

One of the Alps longest and highest pedestrian suspension bridge, Trift hiking a glacier blocked the retreat hut was founded in 2004. In 2009 to replace the bridge handrails and stable cable, to prevent violent swing in the wind. But it still provides the adrenaline.

Location: Trift glacier, Gadmen in the Swiss Alps near the town.

Height: 328 feet high and 558 feet long.

Royal Gorge Bridge, Colorado

Royal Gorge Bridge, Colorado

Highest suspension bridge in the United States, may be amazing, but those afraid of heights, gasping for air, may be left behind, because they stare straight down nearly 90 stories below the Arkansas River. Completed in 1929, the bridge is also not stable until 1982, wind power cable.

Location : Royal Gorge, Colorado on the Arkansas River.

Height : 969 feet above the canyon; 1260 feet long.

Aiguille du Midi Bridge, France

Aiguille du Midi Bridge

Do not underestimate. At this height, you have to keep your eyes locked in the panorama of the craggy French Alps. Fortunately, the bridge itself is short, a simple escape acrophobia sets in. But real acrophobia may not even see the bridge, the cable car in just 20 minutes here, climb 9200 feet.

Location: near the Aiguille du Midi, Chamonix Mont Blanc summit.

Height: 12,605 feet above sea level.

Monday 4 March 2013

Costa Rica: Local Culture

Costa Rica: Local Culture

Zipline through the forest canopy, plus the interest rate of an active volcano, and learning the local people of their country.

Go: classic trip, his philosophy is that you can get as much adrenaline, a shepherd on a remote hillside chat from shooting three rapids through the rainforest. Monthly departure, but $ 2,995 for seven days in May and October.